Calgary Multi-Building Owner

Smart card technology helps these building owners rest easy and keep their properties safe.
This family-operated company of a Calgary multi-building operation wanted to save time and prevent damage to their properties. Additionally, they wanted tenants to safely do their laundry.
The Problem
The owners had experienced theft and vandalism to their machines in the past. Not only did this make their buildings seem unsafe to tenants, it created additional expenses due to repair costs needed to fix the damaged machines. Further to this, as a multi-building owner, it was inconvenient to visit each location to collect the coins and deposit the money in the bank.
The Solution
With the help of Coinamatic, the owners switched over to smart card technology. To reduce expenses, the owners chose refurbished equipment and Coinamatic installed two sets on location. Next, we installed smart card technology. This meant that there was little cash on hand for thieves to steal now that residents could use smart cards.
Thieves now think twice about going into this property.
The Result
Smart cards eliminated machine theft and damage overnight. In fact, shortly after installation the owners encountered a break-in, and found that only the laundry room door needed to be fixed. Thieves now think twice about going into this property since there are huge risks involved. Smart cards also make it easy for the owners to collect revenue since payments are electronic. On top of the safety benefits, our client also saved over $6,500 in capital expenses by utilizing refurbished equipment and having Coinamatic buy equipment on location. For a family owned property management company, this was a massive success.